

baby Raccoon

Monday - June 8, 2020

This weekend we were blessed to meet another amazing couple who took the time to try to find help for an injured baby raccoon. They had it in their care for three days before they were referred our direction and our Facebook page is what caught their eye. Thank you to everyone who shares our posts as it helps those who need help to find it faster.

This poor little 1.15 kg (2.53 lb) little lady wandered up to their door, missing part of her front left leg and infested with maggots. Her rescuers didn't know who to call and quickly found how difficult it was to find help for raccoons, especially injured ones. Fortunately they knew the maggots needed to go, and even though she's a fesity little thing, they were able to remove all of the maggots and clean her wounds!

Today we had a vet appointment for our sassy new arrival and by sedating her, we found her to be covered in lice, punctures, and we got a better look at her arm. She is going in for amputation tomorrow. With her attitude and will to survive, we feel this is the best gift we can give. Her rehab process will be much lengthier, but overall we are confident in our decision.

As you can imagine, veterinary appointments, sedation, surgery, postoperative medications, supplements, and dietary needs are an expensive undertaking for a 501(c)(3) nonprofit public charity. Any help is greatly appreciated and allows us to care for the animals who would otherwise have nowhere else to go.

Thank you for your support!