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In June of 2018, I chose to take a leap that I knew would change my life forever…and I could only hope for it to be in a positive way.

After five years in the financial industry, I had worked my way up the corporate ladder and found myself holding a position in the Private Bank Trust Department. The amenities were far beyond anything I had ever experienced and although grateful for my role, I was miserable. I remember seeing myself in the bathroom mirror one day and the reflection did not match the person within.


I was wearing a pant suit, had heels on, make up, jewelry, my naturally wild hair was straightened, and I remember looking at this person thinking "that's not me".

Having a close relationship with my parents, I expressed my thoughts and feelings to them and my mom urged me to at least put one year into my new role at the bank. Four days after hitting the one year mark, I gave my notice.

The chain of events went like this:
May 2017 - Promoted to Private Bank
October 2017 - Founded Soulshine Wildlife Center
May 2018 - Gave my notice
June 2018 - Left my career
July 2018 - Soulshine was licensed by the state for wildlife rehabilitation

What happened next was a dream coming to fruition.

Prior to leaving the bank, I obtained world travel vaccines with plans to tap into my wanderlust desires, experience culture and network with wildlife rehabilitators around the globe. Soulshine Wildlife Center grew quickly though and before long I realized my travel plans needed to be shelved as there was a demand here that needed to be fulfilled. Animals with limited options needed help and I knew if I wanted Soulshine to become what I had imagined, I couldn't put the brakes on any longer.

What many do not realize is that the first 18 months of accepting animals, there was only one person doing all of the work. I have never worked so hard in my life...truly holding all of the positions necessary to get a nonprofit off the ground. I had saved my pennies to afford one year with no income, focusing all of my energy on Soulshine Wildlife Center as my personal savings account dwindled with the monthly mortgage, gas, groceries, and other necessary survival expenses.

I told myself I was going to grow with control...I quickly learned the only way to have control is to set limits. This is a field where [unfortunately] the demand far outweighs the supply...there was no option to get my toes wet before jumping in. I had animals needing help the day the DNR signed my license and it was apparent this was going to be a "learn as you go" sort of approach.


Two years later, Soulshine has continued to grow to a place far beyond where I had expected to be so early in an organization...none of which would have been possible without my family and friends helping me along the way, offering their services in manual labor for the projects I could not complete alone. The other key in making this all possible is the support we've received from our followers. You see, Wildlife Rehabilitation is not cheap, and the start up costs alone would easily have broke the bank had it not been for those of you who believed in our mission from the start. Thank you for making this all possible!

Currently, we are browsing for property to move Soulshine to a larger location. A place where we can have a full team of volunteers, while also offering kid's programs, community service, and Sanctuary for the non-releasable animals who simply need a safe place to live out their remaining years. This will not be a cheap transition, but any help to cover costs will contribute to the next level of becoming a larger center sooner rather than later! Those $5+ donations really do add up and make a difference!

Lastly, I'd like to share with you the notice I gave my employer upon deciding to change my entire life for the cause. May it give more clarity to how Soulshine began or resignate with whomever needs to read these words for themselves...

"It is not without a great amount of apprehension that I officially turn in my “Two Week Notice”, a month in advance. I anticipate my last day to be Friday, June 8, 2018.

On April 15th, I celebrated my five year anniversary with [Bank Name] and have honestly been quite proud to tell people where I work. I enjoy this company and have had great experiences growing within it. I have met wonderful people, coworkers, and clients, and feel some of those relationships will last a lifetime; which is something to be proud of. I have also been quite successful in the roles I have had within the bank, some of which challenged me both personally and professionally. The fact is, I am not leaving for any negative reason, nor am I going to a competitor. I am simply coming to a realization that some dreams and spiritual ambitions will not go away. Some goals are not meant to wait until retirement or solely be wishful thinking of “someday” adventures. Someday needs to be now.

I have met too many people with regrets and haunting “what ifs”. I do not want to be one of those people. Granted, quitting your job to follow your dream is a risk all on its own, but in the big picture, for me, the reward is much greater. There is never going to be a convenient time to take a break from your career, but it is most likely never going to be a better time than it is right now. I am not married, I do not have children, I am blessed to have both of my parents to spend time with, I have a remarkable support system, my life experiences are far beyond my age, I am financially stable, I am in good health, and I have God in my corner. It does not get much easier than that.


I have had a desire to work with animals, travel, and experience the world since as far back as I can remember. I have dabbled throughout the years, but some things need to be accomplished with both feet in. I want to see natural beauty, experience culture, network with others in the animal industry, and focus on the nonprofit I founded, Soulshine Wildlife Center. There are many people who have similar dreams, I am no better than them; I am simply blessed with the freedom to make such decisions and my ambition has yet to subside. It is a strange truth to know you do not fit the mold society has created, but when communicating with various individuals about my eccentric thoughts and ideas, I can see that same nostalgic sparkle in their eyes when they talk about their own dreams…the ones that faded and altered with the anchors of career, marriage, kids, etc. In speaking with my manager recently, she looked at me and said “The difference between you and most people is that you still have an inner voice that speaks very loudly.” She was right. That inner voice is not going anywhere and has only continued to get louder and more persistent over the years. It is time to listen. It is time to have the courage to grow in the way I am supposed to.

I cannot tell you I am not absolutely terrified to do this. I have worked hard for where I am with my career and there is a major risk to walk away with really no sense of a plan upon returning to the workforce. I will not let that be what holds me back though. I need to do what I truly believe will have a positive impact on the life I live and the people I am surrounded by. I want to influence others in a way I am not able to in my current role. I was created to do something more and it is time to figure out what all that entails.

I am appreciative of these last five years with [Bank Name], I would not be where I am today without people in this company seeing me for who I am and encouraging me in ways that are often lost in larger corporations. So, thank you. Your support has helped me in more ways than you know.

May you dare to be different…find the happiness that makes your soul shine."

Thank you to everyone who has helped mold what has quickly become a beautiful organization and safe place for injured and orphaned wildlife. Your support is appreciated in a greater way than I will ever be able to express.

Executive Director