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Miss Sgt. Peppers

Monday - February 17, 2020

Yesterday we received this adorable little ball of fuzz!

Our newest patient came to us this morning after being found with all four feet frozen to the street yesterday! Her rescuers did a great job of caring for her overnight before making the hour drive to meet one of our volunteers half way! We then coordinated to get her immediate veterinary care.

Miss Sgt. Peppers (named by her rescuers) is suffering from frostbite on all four we're moving forward with pain medication, antibiotics, fluid therapy and a toasty heating pad. She appears to be a little old lady with some rough looking teeth, but she has a good demeanor and sure does love pedialyte!

As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit public charity, we run solely on donations and none of what we do would be possible without your support! Cases like this can be quite costly and time consuming, but giving care to otherwise helpless animals is such an amazing gift! Thank you for your support!